Conteneur Alimentaire Jetable En Plastique
as divers contenants alimentaires jetables en plastique sont beaucoup plus idéauxpour les options à emporter ou le stockage des aliments familiaux, car nous, SinoMold, sommes un fabricant expert de moules par injection plastique en Chine avecplus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le moulage de contenant..

Plastic Disposable Food ContainerlDisposable Meal Container
Our various plastic disposable food containers are much more ideal for take-awayoptions or family food storage, as we, Sino Mould, are expert plastic injection mouldmanufacturer in China with more than 20-year experience on plastic disposable foodcontainers molding.Now, we have developed series of plas.
Plastic Disposable Food ContainerlDisposable Meal Container
Our various plastic disposable food containers are much more ideal for take-awayoptions or family food storage, as we, Sino Mould, are expert plastic injection mouldmanufacturer in China with more than 20-year experience on plastic disposable foodcontainers molding.Now, we have developed series of plas.

How to Save the Cost of Logistics Company Cost by FoldableCrate?
Cost saving on purchase, transportation, storage and management is one of theplastic Foldable Crates highlights. Reducing costs and increasing eficiency is theunanimous goal pursued by all logistics companies. Controlling logistics costs hasnaturally become the focus of their attention, which increasi..
SHG-D Foldable Crate Test-Compressive Strength
MoldinaMed-D -D Series Larae Foldable Container – makes it uniaue by its hiahstrength. lt’s common that the crates shall be stacked no matter for storage ortransport, which requires excellent strength especially for such large foldable crates!Hence, here show you the MoldingMed-D crate test for compressive stre..

MoldingMed Folding Crate C Series
SHG Folding Crate C SeriesDurable ·Transportable Space-saving
MoldinglMed folding crate C series is a space saving solution to simplify all tasks oflogistics warehousing. Top highlights: easy to folding and unfolding, save much cosifor transport when it is empty, and easy to store when it folds flat (not in use).